Immich - Bulk Uploads Photos - TrueNAS Scale

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to upload a large number of photos in one go into immich

I’ve already setup the App in truenas scale and the SMB share of my library folder, but i don’t know how to sync my photos with DB.

I was looking for a CLI command to do this, but i’m a little bit lost on how to do it on a truenas scale system.

Someone could help me?

Hi fgavioli,
you can add the photos you have just as a external library
Than you have the photos in immich after a first scan, that can take very long, if you have a large collection off photos.
Hope this helps


^^ This is the way. I imported about 250K photos as an external library that way. Once that was done indexing they work great.

Here’s the docs for Immich that explains how to do this in more detail. I used a host-volume mount for my own setup.

The main problem is that in that way the elements remain in a sort of “Read Only Mode”, you can’t apply any sort of change in the immich application.

If is the only solution, it could fix the problem

Maybe it comes in the future:

Just read through that feature discussion. That would be idea for my needs as well, eventually I will want to go through and cleanup those 20+ years of photos, remove duplicates, etc. I’d suggest folks reading this thread go give that feature an up-doot on GitHub so the Immich authors know how much demand there is.

Here’s a revised version of your message:

Hello everyone,

I’ve been working on uploading photos from a folder in TrueNAS Scale to Immich using the “External Library” feature for several days, but I’ve hit a roadblock.

In the application settings, I tried mounting a host path to the container. However, I’m unsure about the correct mount path to use. I logged into the Immich server via CLI and found a media folder there, so I tried using that path…
But I do not sure how to confirm if it was mounted correctly, as I cannot use docker commands here…

Also I added the external library through the GUI, but it still didn’t work:

Interestingly, when I check the datasets, it appears that Immich has access to the folder:

Does anyone have any advice? I’m relatively new to TrueNAS Scale and can’t seem to figure this out.

I’ve also gone through various threads and documentation, but I feel like I’m missing a simple step. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

External Library on Truenas
Is there any way to add an external library on TrueNAS Scale? #6567

Thank you in advance.


you have to use the path ‘mnt/media’ in your immich GUI.

I by the way have an issue myself. For me it looks like the path is set correctly, however immich doesn’t scan anything…
I whould appreciate any hints.

@Lattenbrecher Thank you for the tip!

Specifying internal folders within the Immich server indeed works.

However, I’m now encountering a similar issue with the scan function—Immich isn’t finding anything. When I check the “media” mount folder by connecting to the Immich server using CLI, I see that the folder is empty. :frowning:

So, maybe the problem is with how we specify a Mount path in the setting?!?!

Any advice will be highly appreciated thank you…

I got it started by recursevly set the permissions again for owner root and group share users of the SMB i set for mount.

@rookie try a ‘ls - al’ in your mountpath /media

The same output:(

$ cd media
$ ls -al
total 1
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2 Apr 18  2023 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4 Aug 18 22:24 ..
$ pwd