Imported Pool Has Incorrect Mountpoints

Hi Everyone,

I’m a longtime user, and after migrating from CORE to Scale, I have few datasets that are not mapping correctly.

The problematic datasets are:

zfs list -r

zfs get mountpoint

Screenshot 2024-07-21 131634

So these datasets are being mounted to /mnt/DATA and not /mnt/DATA/Video for example.

Adding a SMB Share also shows the datasets differently:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Version: Dragonfish-24.04.2

This looks similar… post #8

Yes, it is similar, but I can’t turn off mounting because it does not exist.

root@scale[~]# zfs get canmount DATA/Video
cannot open 'DATA/Video': dataset does not exist

root@scale[~]# zfs set canmount=/off DATA/Video
cannot open 'DATA/Video': dataset does not exist