I trying to get my network a little bit offuscate from IPS provider.
How was wondering if SCAL would support DoT and/or/DoH ?
Anyone already did this or it is not possible at the moment ?
I trying to get my network a little bit offuscate from IPS provider.
How was wondering if SCAL would support DoT and/or/DoH ?
Anyone already did this or it is not possible at the moment ?
As it stands right now it is not possible without deploying an app in some form. I used to use https_dns_proxy on my OpenWrt router, the moved it to a VM, then moved to cloudflared in a jail (as I already use it for tunnels).
I raised a Github issue yesterday to allow the cloudflared application to do exactly that: Allow Cloudflared DoH Relay Configuration · Issue #364 · truenas/apps · GitHub
Assuming it gets put in you could theoretically have it listen on Port 53 and then point TrueNAS at itself for DNS resolution, alternatively set it to listen on 5350 or something and have pihole sit in front of it.
Yeah that may be a solution … but then TrueNas come up and have to wait for the Jail or VM to come up for DNS resolution … this is what I trying to avoid.
I installed my DNS server in a Raspberry PI in a docker. And will install another for reduncy and stability