Hello everyone. Thank you for accepting me into this forum. Not sure if I am in the right place or not. I will just tell you a little about myself and what it is I am trying to do and we will see if I can get any bites.
I am a Network Engineer who is trying to sharpen his skills. In order to do that I need to practice lab simulations. So I brought it upon myself to create my proxmox server to run my VMs.
The VMs I am running are EVE-NG, CML, and GNS3. And my network management tool for my home network is OPNsense.
The reason I joined this forum is because I read on reddit that this is one of the better forums to get assistance on IT technical issues.
Here is where I have not had good luck:
EVE-NG. Had terrible luck getting assistance on troubleshooting issues.
OPNsense. Having a hard time finding any resources on that can assisting with learning the system.
If there is anyone out there who either knows of some good resources I can turn to for these applications? Or better yet, is there anyone on here who had a lot of knowledge who can assist on these applications. Thank you so much.