i have a problem with the installation of Phhotoprism on ElectricEel-24.10-RC.2.
I did the installation with the default values. The installation is complete and is running. When I add a photo it does not appear in the app. In the UI under Library → errors I see this error:
import: failed to create folder for PA190003.JPG (mkdir/photoprism/originals/2024: permission denied)
I read some threads about photo prism and found out, that it is a problem of access rights.
During installation I used the “apps” user and group (ID568)
I didn’t changed the storage. They are set to iXvolume.
Because it is an access right problem I also tried another installation with storage paths set to separate host paths.
for all 3 datasets I set user and group to apps with the access rights rwx
But here also the same error appears. Do I need to add some ACL?
Where should I make this?
Thanks in advance