Installing Resilio Sync on Truenas Scale

I found this help page at the Resilio site. Everything looks straightforward except for the instruction: “On the Management console generate Agent configuration file sync.conf and put it inside your working pool.” How do I access the Management console?

Resilio Connect is part of their enterprise software suite, whereas Resilio Sync is a different product aimed at SMBs and home users.

I’ve used Resilio Sync for many years, so I’d be happy to help.

Have you already tried using the Resilio Sync app in the official app repository?

Hi and thanks. I have Resilio Sync with a Home Pro license. I used the instructions that I linked to from the Resilio site because I couldn’t find the app in the Truecharts repository. I suppose my biggest problem is that I don’t know how to access a Terminal in Truenas to be able to create directories and files. Is that what is meant by the Management console? (If you hadn’t noticed, I am very new to Truenas :slight_smile:

There isn’t a management console for Resilio Sync and all the required configuration files are generated automatically when you first login to the web interface.

I’m on my phone at the moment but I’ll point you in the right direction once I have a moment.

Basically you would need to create the Resilio Sync container/app yourself by pulling a docker image for it and set some parameters/arguments for it. TrueCharts will no longer be supporting TrueNAS SCALE apps in the next release, so it would be best you don’t use that anyway.

  1. On the TrueNAS Apps page, click the Custom App button on the top-right.
  2. Set Application Name to whatever you want - eg. resilio-sync
  3. In the Image Repository field, paste in
  4. Add some container environment variables. (press Add button twice). These two refer to the user id and group id of the user who has access to the files for syncing. You must set file permissions ahead of time on your data set. You can check your user id in the TrueNAS users info page. Typically the first user created is 1000, but isn’t always the case.

Environment Variable Name: PUID
Environment Variable Value: 1000

Environment Variable Name: PGID
Environment Variable Value: 1000

  1. Add External Interfaces for Networking. Add the desired network interface you want to attach and set IPAM type to DHCP.

Add port: 55555 (for the resilio listening port)
Add port: 8888 (for the web UI)

  1. Add Host Path Volumes for resilio sync config files. You’ll want to create this ahead of time.
    Host Path: /mnt/tank/docker/resilio-sync/config
    Container Path: /config

  2. Add Host Path for the directories you want to sync, making sure the container path starts with /sync since that directory inside the container is whitelisted by default. It can be changed in sync.conf if you want.
    Host Path: /mnt/tank/myfiles/
    Container Path: /sync/mnt/tank/myfiles

I think that should be it. I’ll run a test when I get home.

Be aware, you need some knowledge of how permissions work because without that base knowledge, it can get frustrating.

I’m asking for help. It does not create any configs on the specified path. Accordingly, it does not remember the settings. After restarting the service, no settings are saved. Maybe it needs to put an empty sync.conf file in the specified path? I am grateful in advance for any help.

I never got it working, so decided to wait for the move to Docker in the next Truenas update.

Judging by the number of views, the topic is a success. I need to decide on the choice of storage. Dear developers! Could you tell me how long you will ignore this problem? Do your commercial solutions have the same rejection of resilio sync?

It would sure be a great thing if this was added to the official SCALE catalog…