Intel DCPMM ipmctl does not work in Scale

There is an issue with ipmctl and Intel Optane DCPMM gen 1 P100.

You can’t provision the modules and they are listed as unmanageable even though in the BIOS they are all good.

root@truenas[~]# ipmctl show -topology
 DimmID | MemoryType                  | Capacity    | PhysicalID| DeviceLocator
 0x0020 | Logical Non-Volatile Device | 126.375 GiB | 0x0025    | DIMMC1
 0x0120 | Logical Non-Volatile Device | 126.375 GiB | 0x002c    | DIMMF1
 N/A    | DDR4                        | 64.000 GiB  | 0x0021    | DIMMA1
 N/A    | DDR4                        | 64.000 GiB  | 0x0023    | DIMMB1
 N/A    | DDR4                        | 64.000 GiB  | 0x0028    | DIMMD1
 N/A    | DDR4                        | 64.000 GiB  | 0x002a    | DIMME1

 root@truenas[~]# ipmctl show -memoryresources
 MemoryType   | DDR                 | PMemModule | Total
 Volatile     | 508.000 GiB         | 0.000 GiB  | 508.000 GiB
 AppDirect    | -                   | 0.000 GiB  | 0.000 GiB
 Cache        | 0.000 GiB           | -          | 0.000 GiB
 Inaccessible | 17179868932.000 GiB | 0.000 GiB  | 17179868932.000 GiB
 Physical     | 256.000 GiB         | 0.000 GiB  | 256.000 GiB

root@truenas[/home/admin]# ipmctl show -dimm
 DimmID | Capacity  | LockState | HealthState  | FWVersion
 0x0020 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A
 0x0120 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A

Loading Fedora server on the same system and everything seems to work fine.

[root@fedora ~]# ipmctl show -topology
 DimmID | MemoryType                  | Capacity    | PhysicalID| DeviceLocator
 0x0020 | Logical Non-Volatile Device | 126.375 GiB | 0x0025    | DIMMC1
 0x0120 | Logical Non-Volatile Device | 126.375 GiB | 0x002c    | DIMMF1
 N/A    | DDR4                        | 64.000 GiB  | 0x0021    | DIMMA1
 N/A    | DDR4                        | 64.000 GiB  | 0x0023    | DIMMB1
 N/A    | DDR4                        | 64.000 GiB  | 0x0028    | DIMMD1
 N/A    | DDR4                        | 64.000 GiB  | 0x002a    | DIMME1

[root@fedora ~]# ipmctl show -dimm
 DimmID | Capacity    | LockState | HealthState | FWVersion
 0x0020 | 126.422 GiB | Disabled  | Healthy     |
 0x0120 | 126.422 GiB | Disabled  | Healthy     |

[root@fedora ~]# ipmctl show -memoryresources
 MemoryType   | DDR         | PMemModule  | Total
 Volatile     | 256.000 GiB | 0.000 GiB   | 256.000 GiB
 AppDirect    | -           | 252.000 GiB | 252.000 GiB
 Cache        | 0.000 GiB   | -           | 0.000 GiB
 Inaccessible | 0.000 GiB   | 0.844 GiB   | 0.844 GiB
 Physical     | 256.000 GiB | 252.844 GiB | 508.844 GiB

There must be an issue with Debian. I have raised a bug for this.

Not sure if anyone here can help. I can run any tests needed and report back.

Try loading Debian and see if it works.


Good point. I should have thought of that. :smiling_face:

Can confirm, no issues on Debian 12.6.

root@debian-12:~# ipmctl show -dimm
 DimmID | Capacity    | LockState | HealthState | FWVersion
 0x0020 | 126.422 GiB | Disabled  | Healthy     |
 0x0120 | 126.422 GiB | Disabled  | Healthy     |
root@debian-12:~# ipmctl vesion
Syntax Error: First token must be a verb, 'vesion' is not a supported verb.
root@debian-12:~# ipmctl version
Intel(R) Optane(TM) Persistent Memory Command Line Interface Version
root@debian-12:~# ipmctl show -dimm
 DimmID | Capacity    | LockState | HealthState | FWVersion
 0x0020 | 126.422 GiB | Disabled  | Healthy     |
 0x0120 | 126.422 GiB | Disabled  | Healthy     |
root@debian-12:~# lsblk
sda           8:0    0 111.8G  0 disk
├─sda1        8:1    0   512M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sda2        8:2    0 110.3G  0 part /
└─sda3        8:3    0   976M  0 part [SWAP]
sdb           8:16   0   3.6T  0 disk
nvme0n1     259:0    0 447.1G  0 disk
└─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0 447.1G  0 part
pmem0       259:2    0  31.5G  0 disk
pmem1.1     259:3    0  31.5G  0 disk
pmem1.2     259:4    0  31.5G  0 disk
pmem0.2     259:5    0  31.5G  0 disk
pmem1       259:6    0  31.5G  0 disk
pmem0.1     259:7    0  31.5G  0 disk

Clean install of TrueNAS-SCALE-

root@truenas[~]# ipmctl version
Intel(R) Optane(TM) Persistent Memory Command Line Interface Version
root@truenas[~]# ipmctl show -dimm
 DimmID | Capacity  | LockState | HealthState  | FWVersion
 0x0020 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A
 0x0120 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A


root@truenas[~]# ipmctl version
Intel(R) Optane(TM) Persistent Memory Command Line Interface Version
root@truenas[~]# ipmctl show -dimm
 DimmID | Capacity  | LockState | HealthState  | FWVersion
 0x0020 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A
 0x0120 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A


root@truenas[~]# ipmctl version
Intel(R) Optane(TM) Persistent Memory Command Line Interface Version
root@truenas[~]# ipmctl show -dimm
 DimmID | Capacity  | LockState | HealthState  | FWVersion
 0x0020 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A
 0x0120 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A


root@truenas[/home/admin]# ipmctl version
Intel(R) Optane(TM) Persistent Memory Command Line Interface Version
root@truenas[/home/admin]# ipmctl show -dimm
 DimmID | Capacity  | LockState | HealthState  | FWVersion
 0x0020 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A
 0x0120 | 0.000 GiB | Unknown   | Unmanageable | N/A

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