Hello All,
Running latest Truenas scale 24.04.02
Relatively new to truenas but I am trying to add a 10g NIC to interface with my home network, specifically a UDM-SE via the SFP+ port.
When i connect the card and restart truenas it shows up as shown by enp1s0f0, but the white arrow to the left of the name indicates that it does not actually have a connection even though there are indicating lights on both the card and the router.
I have tried deleting the bridge because i think that might be the problem, but it says it is in use by kubernetes and thus does not let me delete it. I ran
systemctl stop k3s.service
which after running still doesnt allow me to delete the bridge.
Also, trying to change the bridge member to the new NIC also does not work as it times out (i am guessing because it isnt transmitting any data.)
Truenas is not reachable via the IP address.
When i look in my router’s page, it shows that something is connected to the port but does not assign a device name in the same way it does on port 5 (idk why it calls it an “Apple…” but that is the truenas machine). again probably because there isnt an actual connection, but only because it regognizes that a SFP module has been plugged in.
Im pretty new to this and after browsing through the forums i am kinda at a loss. Thanks for any help!
Are you plugged into the correct port on the X520-DA2. You have two
You also left out details on how you are connecting? DAC cable, SFP+ transceivers and fiber cables?
If it is over fiber cable, did you check the polarity? You might have to swap positions of the fiber connectors on one end of the cable.
So that is the weird thing, it has two, but only ever shows 1 in Truenas. I have tried both with no effect. And when i switch which port the SFP+ module is plugged into, the name of the port showing in Truenas does not change.
I am using some mellonox SFP+ modules with a fiber cable about 2 meters long. I originally bought one of the cheap Mellonox cards and couldnt even get it recongized by truenas and learned a 25 dollar lesson. i figured i could salvage some value by using the cable and modules it came with. Maybe i should get a known good DAC.
I have checked the polarity and that isnt the issue.
That Intel card wants to see Intel transceivers or Intel coded transceivers.
Give me a few minutes to see if I can find where the SFP unsupported bypass is listed.
Will update once I find.
Link to Networking Primer in old forum.
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Thanks for the tip! I got one of these DAC cables and after some restarting, I was able to update the NIC in the bridge settings and everything is running how it should be.
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I am trying to upgrade to a 10Gb Nic on my TN Scale machine and having similar issues. I’m looking to get rid of my quad 1Gb NIC for a X520-DA2. Did you have to delete the original bridge first then add the new NIC? Did you have to use systemctl stop k3s.service to stop Kubernetes? Any help would be greatly appreciated.