Inter-app communication in 24.10 Electric Eel

They show up, but are not editable. Same in Dockge.

Right now, there is no way to do this with the official catalog.

I think the ability to bind an app port to a specific IP alias may be an app catalog feature soon, but custom networking with app catalog apps will probably not be a feature in EE. Maybe it will be in Fangtooth. It was originally mentioned as an Electric Eel feature.

You can perform IP binding or setup custom networks and macvlan networks using custom yaml apps or raw docker-compose, Dockge or Portainer.

(I am working on a video for this)

No. They won’t appear in the app’s view, unless you use the custom yaml option.

Perhaps vote for these features :wink:

Although none of those are actually the custom network feature you are requesting.

I think the custom network feature could be implemented with 1) a network editing gui and 2) app config options for assigning networks.

And if you decide that you do want to go the raw compose/Dockge route, a smooth migration can be performed by first migrating to docker compose in a sandbox in Dragonfish

And then you can migrate from the sandbox to native docker (or not)

Of course, the other option is to wait for Fangtooth to see if that satisfies your requirements.

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