Iocage Overwrite from Jail

Hi, I’m a new TrueNas user and unfortunately I hope I haven’t lost the data on my device

In the beginning I created a pool with an IOCAGE to store all my data

When carrying out tests I connected the same pool to Jails and magically I no longer see the data

Give me a hand to solve it

My data is still there but I don’t know how to see it

“I connected the same pool to Jails”

What does that mean?

EDIT: Did you create a pool without any child datasets, and then create a folder named “iocage”?


i make zfs umount /mnt/pool/iocage
and I can see the data again , but how should I arrange the pools now?

Did you create a pool without any child datasets, and then create a folder named “iocage”?

If so, why?

  1. You should never save files/folders directly in the root dataset, and…
  2. Why, of all folder names, would you go with “iocage”? Why would you want to even save files into a folder called “iocage”?
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I sorry for my English

In the beginning I had created under “pool” a new pool that truenas called iocage from default with inside folder (dump,images,private,template etc.etc)
Now from test i tray to crate a Jails and when i have attach the pool to Jails , a new iocage pool was created which overwrote it

I think you’re confusing pools, datasets, and folders.

I believe you created a folder named “iocage”, and started to save files within it. Then you later configured your jails to live on your main pool, which automatically creates an iocage dataset.

You’re skipping over some very important fundamentals. I wouldn’t dive into TrueNAS until you understand some TrueNAS and ZFS basics.

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If you select a pool to be the place of your jails from the WebUI, it will create a iocage dataset used for managing your jails. Do not fiddle with its content.

I don’t think I created an iocage folder myself…
But now how can I solve it without losing the data?

Hard to say with the information available to us. Can you please give us a step by step list of what you did?

If you need, you can create a topic in the International section with your native language tag, which I guess it to be Italian-Italiano.

That being said, english is the best way to receive help because you cater to a larger audience.

Finaly after umounting the FS I simply removed the iocage previously created by JAILS and all the data became usable again

Not sure why you picked the name “iocage”, but it’s the name of the jail subsystem on core, and it uses it.

I’d suggest renaming your directory to something else.