Is it possible to use docker pro credentials when updating docker images in Apps?

I’m running Dragonfish. Is there a way to use my Docker credentials when updating Apps so I don’t receive a rate limit when I update Apps?

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Thank you Stux.

@Stux - Separate topic regarding jailmaker. On one of my machines (even after reboot), I can type: jlmkr at the prompt and it sources correctly. But on my other machine, after I close the shell, I can’t do this. I have to re-enter the echo alias and source ~/.bashrc in order to be able to use the stand-alone ‘jlmkr’ command at the prompt. Do you know how I can fix this?

Thank you Stux.

You’re probably using zsh, and the bashrc is not being used.

Try .zshrc instead.

Btw, you can also just add the alias declaration to the bottom of ~/.zshrc using nano


That’s exactly what it was. Thank you Stux!

Or switch to bash…

In latest ElectricEel-24.10.0, I was able to fake this by logging in as root, and doing a docker login at the CLI. This set up a docker credentials file that seemed to be used. The UI complained about rate limiting, but the apps were started and fired up.