So I’ve searched quite a bit, but couldn’t find a solution. I found several answers, that it’s a limitation on Linux side.
I have Deluge running (as a custom app) and it’s downloading to /downloads. After download is done, I want to move the folder(s)/file(s) to a folder, which is located on a SMB shared dataset, so I could access contents on my Windows PC.
I tried playing with ACLs, but I believe I don’t fully understand all the sharing and permissions things. In my mind, if it’s actually not possible, this makes such apps as Deluge pretty much useless
Any advice how I should set things up if it’s possible after all?
It does, and I try to use it but it doesn’t do anything. In logs there’s an error. Same if I try to move using Deluge shell:
root@deluge-ix-chart-6dcc45b9d8-tbllj:/# mv /downloads/_Test/ /Media
mv: setting permissions for '/Media/_Test': Operation not permitted
But the same thing happens if I try to move with the File Browser app too. And in File Browser logs I see exact same error. /Media is a shared dataset and mounted to Deluge as host path.
I suspect that you have an issue here between native paths and container paths and that you need to create a Host path link in your deluge configuration to mount the native /Media as a container path /Media.
That 911 owner/group appeared after I first ran Deluge. When I open ACL edit page, these become empty, so I didn’t even try to change or save to not mess things up.
Operation not permitted often means that the application is trying to chmod files and the ZFS aclmode is set to restricted. Change it to passthrough and see if it fixes your problem (note this may introduce unwanted permissions changes in the files being moved around).
Yes - your host paths seem fine. So as you surmise, likely to be a permissions issue.
I am not an expert, but from the screen shots alone the permissions seem OK. But perhaps someone more expert with Linux permissions can shed more light.
I’ve tried creating a new dataset with a passthrough, but then i can’t see folders created on Windows inside that dataset. Also I’m still not allowed to move content to that share. Now it can’t even create a directory, while with original setup it created a directory, but didn’t even copy a file, because it couldn’t change that directory permissions This is from File Browser app shell:
OMG… Deleted Deluge app. Deleted /deluge/config and /deluge/downloads datasets. Recreated these two datasets with default apps permissions. Instead of custom app, installed one from official TrueNAS catalog, but during install config I changed default user/group from 586 (or whatever that is) to 1000.
AND IT WORKS! It works with mounted /Media without having to change any permissions on it
I went for custom app, because I couldn’t make the catalog version work at all before. Wonder if it could’ve been because of UID/GID In any case, it seems all is good now and files are moved after download.
Sorry for the disturbance I’m new to TrueNAS and Linux overall, so I definitely will post more questions and observations