Issue after upgrading Nextcloud


I saw there was a new update to Nextcloud today, it is stuck in deploying. When I check the logs I see this

2024-05-03 13:41:05.259954-05:00Configuring Redis as session handler
2024-05-03 13:41:05.357428-05:00=> Searching for scripts (*.sh) to run, located in the folder: /docker-entrypoint-hooks.d/before-starting
2024-05-03 13:41:05.394998-05:00AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using Set the ‘ServerName’ directive globally to suppress this message
2024-05-03 13:41:05.410335-05:00AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using Set the ‘ServerName’ directive globally to suppress this message
2024-05-03 13:41:05.437166-05:00[Fri May 03 18:41:05.437092 2024] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1] AH00163: Apache/2.4.59 (Debian) PHP/8.2.18 configured – resuming normal operations
2024-05-03 13:41:05.437210-05:00[Fri May 03 18:41:05.437123 2024] [core:notice] [pid 1] AH00094: Command line: ‘apache2 -D FOREGROUND’
2024-05-03 13:41:18.079460-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:41:17 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3729 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:41:22.756725-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:41:22 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3717 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:41:27.757229-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:41:27 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3719 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:41:32.751041-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:41:32 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3729 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:41:37.733307-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:41:37 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3725 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:41:42.734576-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:41:42 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3725 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:41:47.740616-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:41:47 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3725 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:41:52.736778-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:41:52 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3725 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:41:57.723986-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:41:57 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3723 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:02.746159-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:02 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3725 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:07.730100-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:07 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3733 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:12.729138-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:12 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3721 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:17.741659-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:17 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3723 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:22.732444-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:22 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3719 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:27.743319-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:27 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3727 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:32.712249-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:32 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3725 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:37.718551-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:37 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3725 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:42.742582-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:42 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3727 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:47.740220-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:47 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3725 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”
2024-05-03 13:42:52.755705-05:00172.16.0.1 - - [03/May/2024:18:42:52 +0000] “GET /status.php HTTP/1.1” 503 3729 “-” “kube-probe/1.26”

Was there something I should have done before upgrading. I tried rolling it back but issue persists.


How and where do you view the logs you posted above for nextcloud / i’m guessing Kubernetes?

My nexcloud is also stuck on deploying after i tried updating from:
App Version: 29.0.0
Chart Version: 2.0.5


Version to be Upgraded To: 29.0.0_2.0.6

I would just like to do some more informed googling apart from searching nextcloud stuck on deploying before i post a topic for assistance …


Edit: Never Mind I found the logs :man_facepalming:t5: