Ix-applications dataset

New user here, possibly going to migrate from unraid.
When i first installed truenas scale on my test system it created an ix-applications dataset on my zfs pool.
I did some testing wiped it all out and reinstalled but now that dataset will not create itself, is this now not needed? Or have i done something wrong?
I am using TrueNAS-SCALE- as anything newer will not boot but straight after installing said version I am updating to latest version.

I am not 100% on the timing, but I expect the ix-applications dataset in Dragonfish to only be created when you specifically set the Apps pool.

So, since reinstalling, have you set the Apps pool again?

Since posting this I have researched and found that if-applications is now replaced by a hidden dataset .apps or something. So I think I’m looking for something that doesn’t exist anymore.

Yes and no.
In the version of TrueNAS that you said you were using, TrueNAS-SCALE- (aka Dragonfish), ix-applications is still the old same as it used to be. If you were correct in terms of the version in use, ix-applications should be there, if you have your Apps pool set in the web interface.

The newest version, Fangtooth Electric Eel (Thanks @essinghigh!) 24.10.X, ix-applications has been replaced by ix-apps. In addition, the new ix-apps has been hidden away somewhat.

Electric Eel*
Fangtooth will be 25.x (I think 25.04).

If you’re installing via the Dragonfish ISO and then updating to Electric Eel straight away, I’m not sure if the ix-applications dataset will be created in the first place. I think you might need to select a pool in apps first in order for the dataset to be created, not 100% certain on that though.

Either way, if you’re updating to Electric Eel, application configuration is going to be stored in a hidden dataset at tank/ix-apps, where tank is the pool you have selected for apps. This is mounted at /mnt/.ix-apps.

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