Jellyfin cannot load CUDA

Hello i recently installed jellyfin and configured hardware acceleration with a nvidia gtx950 everything works fine except when trying to run 4k movies i tried to run a 4k movie once it worked then tried it again and it stopped working i tried on different 4k movies but doesn’t work. Im pretty sure its related to CUDA either cuda and libcuda are not installed on my truenas or jellyfin has no permission to load cuda. If cuda is not installed on truenas how do i install it and if it is related to permissions can you please help because i am pretty sure jellyfin has read write and execute permissions.The log from jellyfin: FFmpeg.Transcode-2024-09-23_14-46-07_6f26e08627b75b44e67ca0320c9d464f_4fbab8fc.log&api_key=a60001001 -

Truenas is an appliance OS and it’s not supported to add software to it.
Have you checked with nvidia-smi from truenas shell if your gpu is supported by the current gpu driver. If i remember correctly nvidia dropped support for everything older then 1000 series gpu’s. If it’s no longer supported you have to wait until the next release of truenas in october because then the gpu driver is no longer coupled to the os installation and you can then choose a legacy driver to install for you gpu to be supported again.

If you try nvidia-smi from shell and it tells you that the card can’t comunicate with the driver then your card is not supported by the current driver.

I already did that before installing jellyfin and the gpu is supported.

Next thing you could check is if the nvidia-pod is stuck in a crash loop.

Again from shell with sudo k3s kubectl get pods -A which lists all kubernetes pods. Look for the nvidia pod. If it’s stuck in a crash loop there’s not really a fix for it on truenas, because truenas will switch to docker next month and remove kubernetes.

Ok, now im honestly out of ideas…

Well i will try asking the jellyfin community and if they dont find anything i guess i have to wait for the update and see if anything happens, thank you anyhow.

i read this thread: HW transcoding not working... Cannot load the guy has the same problem as me.
The fix is the thread bellow but its a fix for docker so i wondered if it could work on kubernetes if yes how to modify the pod file?
GPU Transcoding on Unraid
if i cant ill just wait for the new scale update