JellyFin Folder Issue

Hi. N00b here, I have installed Jellyfin on my new TrueNAS Scale install. I added a /Media dataset. I set up a SMB Share that has permissions that allow me to add folders and documents to the /Media folder.

The issue comes when I add a media library in Jellyfin. When I add a folder it allows me to choose the /Media dataset but doesn’t allow me to choose the subfolder(s) that I have created (like Movies or Shows).

Anyone have any idea what I’ve missed?

Hi, have you setup your dataset with recursive permissions?

SMB share permissions and ACL for apps are two separate things. If you assigned the “apps” user (568) for Jellyfin, you need to make sure the “apps” user has permissions to access your media folders, or they won’t show up within the app.

I run my full Arr stack under the apps user because all those apps need access to the same folders, so you configure ACL once and you’re done. This video is a year old but still relevant:

Coincidentally, I watched that video before I saw this reply. It did help me solve the problem that I mentioned above.

NOW Jellyfin works like a charm, only issue NOW is that I dont get any folder images. I get description metadata and actor headshots, but no folder art.