The migration to electric eel has proven quite easy and quick however one of my applications has failed to migrate. The error in the logs is [2024/10/31 11:57:49] (DEBUG) app_migrations.migrate():235 - Migration details for 'system-update--2024-10-31_15:50:40' backup on 'appstore' pool [2024/10/31 11:57:49] (DEBUG) app_migrations.migrate():241 - 'jellyfinn' app failed to migrate successfully: 'Failed to create app: [EINVAL] Should be greater or equal than 568\n'
What exactly can I do in order to get jellyfin to deploy. Is it possible to edit the k3s yaml for the jellyfin chart and just change the user so that i can migrate it or do I have to deploy jellyfin separately and then get it working somehow. Also how do we run the migration script again?
Seems like it should be possible to edit the user in ix-applications and rerun, but I have not tested it
In the event of a migration failure, configuration data for applications that do not automatically migrate is retained in the ixapplications dataset. You can re-initiate migration of previously-installed Kubernetes apps to Docker at any time after upgrading to Electric Eel. From a shell session enter midclt call -job k8s_to_docker.migrate poolname , where poolname is the name of the applications pool. 24.10 (Electric Eel) Version Notes | TrueNAS Documentation Hub