Jellyfin plugin inaccessible

No change. I am definitely using pkg quarterly though, is there any way to change that?

I have changed my pkg version to latest not quarterly

Fresh new 13.2 “basejail” and it still doesn’t work?

Inside the jail, do this:

mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
echo 'FreeBSD: { url: "pkg+${ABI}/latest" }' > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf

Thanks to @pmh :+1:

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@victor thanks for suggesting pkg version change :+1:

Must have been this “ instead of ‘

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Happens to me in here all the time. :wink:

Wanted to “test” something.

This is still not working properly but I think this is more an issue for jellyfin server (freebsd version), not TrueNAS. I have opened a github issue with the repo here Jellyfin not running a webserver ¡ Issue #76 ¡ Thefrank/jellyfin-server-freebsd ¡ GitHub

Again, thanks for your help!

Why are you using NAT?

When I use DHCP, I get strange errors that I honestly couldn’t be bothered to fix. NAT worked extremely well tbh.


Do you think that has something to do with it?

Why not VNET + static IP address?

@winnielinnie Not relevant to the thread, but if you mount media into jellyfin as read only, do you need to change the permission on the host for it to be able to detect the media?

As long as the user (UID) or group (GID) that runs the jellyfin daemon in the jail has adequate permissions, it shouldn’t be a problem.

For my Jellyfin jail, I mounted my media dataset as “read-only”, and it works fine. I don’t have Jellyfin configured to save metadata in the media folders, nor do I use transcoding.

The only “writing” comes from SMB or from within an SSH session on the TrueNAS host itself.

Got it. Working fine now.

How did you reply the exact moment I sent my post? :open_mouth: