I converted my NAS from Core, on a home build server to Scale on an old Dell T-410. On Core I was able to easily configure my two 1 GB ethernet ports for LAGG, but I can’t get it to work in Scale. The Dell also has two 1GB ethernet connections. My Switch is already set up. Whether from the system Console or the web UI, whatever I do to the 2nd port (eno2) it sticks with DHCP. And both connections operate independently.
Thanks for the tips! I’ve been through several iterations of different configurations trying to get a bond to work but have as of yet been unable to do so. I have other LAGGs in the network but for whatever reason I am unable to get the one on the TrueNAS Scale to work.
Each time I configure a bond, any address I try to reach from within the TrueNAS is unreachable, and I am unable to reach the address of the TrueNAS over the LAGG bond. If I set this up as a bridge, it works fine, but a bridge doesn’t exactly fit the need.