LAGG configuration

I converted my NAS from Core, on a home build server to Scale on an old Dell T-410. On Core I was able to easily configure my two 1 GB ethernet ports for LAGG, but I can’t get it to work in Scale. The Dell also has two 1GB ethernet connections. My Switch is already set up. Whether from the system Console or the web UI, whatever I do to the 2nd port (eno2) it sticks with DHCP. And both connections operate independently.

So what am I missing?

  1. create lagg interface, name it “bond0” - it must be named bondX!
  2. place unused port in bond0 interface
  3. connect unused port to switch
  4. make sure this configuration is saved
  5. remove IP address from first interface, place IP address on bond0
  6. test - possibly extending the timeout to e.g. 300, also clear the ARP cache on your management system
  7. if connection can be reistablished, save
  8. place formerly primary port in bond0, test and save

Thanks for the tips! I’ve been through several iterations of different configurations trying to get a bond to work but have as of yet been unable to do so. I have other LAGGs in the network but for whatever reason I am unable to get the one on the TrueNAS Scale to work.

Each time I configure a bond, any address I try to reach from within the TrueNAS is unreachable, and I am unable to reach the address of the TrueNAS over the LAGG bond. If I set this up as a bridge, it works fine, but a bridge doesn’t exactly fit the need.

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