Hello, super simple question, I hope.
I’m trying to add a bond using link aggregation to my M3 Truenas Scale.
I have the eno1 enabled at the moment and have it configured with a static IP for controller1 and controller2 and the virtual failover.
The question is, when I add a bond, am I meant to have just the bond configured and disable the eno1 configuration after enabling the bond, or are both meant to be running simultaniously?
I tried adding a bond separately with DHCP, but I could not connect to the IP that was given to it; however, I could still connect to the eno1 IP address.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Hi David and welcome to the forums and I’ll try and help.
I’d suggest doing this from the console as you could loose remote access if things are not setup correctly, especially when messing with the primary network connection. I have my system setup doing link aggregation so I added my two physical ports to a bonded connection and then setup a bridge on that.
enp3s0 → bond0 → br0
I believe you need to setup it up this way (using a bond and then a bridge) as services like apps (docker) and jails using the jailmaker script won’t connect to a bonded adapter but only to a bridge. I believe this is also why when you assign an IP to the bond you can’t access it as you need the bridge layer for true network access.