Local DNS on Fangtooth

Installed Fangtooth. Happy with it and like the new virtualization with incus.

Went to set up AdGuard Home under Apps and was unable to deploy it, both as a Custom App and from the App market. Incus was binding dnsmasq to 53, preventing me from using it for AdGuard Home. Considered a custom compose under Dockge using macvlan, using a separate NIC, etc, but ended up finding a much simpler solution:

incus network set incusbr0 raw.dnsmasq="port=5354"

I haven’t checked if this will survive a reboot or if I’ll need to configure that command to run every boot, but just a heads up for anyone running into the same issue.

Not sure if it’s a bug, but if there’s not a compelling reason for incus to bind to 53, might be better to set it to another port?

If you believe it to be a bug, file using Smile icon on upper right in Fangtooth GUI. It’s Feedback / Report A Bug. If you don’t think Bug, use Feedback

Same issue with pihole. dnsmasq is bound to port :53. pihole cannot start.