Jailmaker/docker novice here…
I followed the excellent YouTube tutorial on jailmaker/docker, and installed the Logitech Media Server (LMS) to replace the one I was running on an old QNAP. After the installation, I can access the LMS web interface using the docker IP (dhcp reservation) at the proper port, and it sees my two players (Logitech Boom and picorePlayer). All that works fine. However, adding the ShairTunes2 plugin is where problems begin. My iphone doesn’t see the two players via airplay like it does when running from my QNAP.
- In LMS, on the Information tab, it lists the server IP as being, even though I’m currently accessing it at a 192.168.1.x address.
- In Dockge terminal output, I also see this: ip:
Could this be causing the plugin to not work, even though everything else is working fine?
Is the solution to try the bridged network (I left mine on network-macvlan since my other jails and apps were working fine)? Any other ideas?
The problem is not with the type of networking between TrueNAS and your jail, but with the type of docker networking used for LMS within the jail
Using docker “host networking” with LMS avoids the plugin problems. Alternatively, if you are using this docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/lmscommunity/logitechmediaserver then the recently introduced v8.4 has optional EXTRA_ARGS
params and using --advertiseaddr
may be what you want if you use a docker “bridge network”.
Hey Krisbee,
Thanks for the reply. I had tried the EXTRA_ARGS parameters, using both the docker IP and the truenas IP, and neither helped in my situation.
You mentioned needing to use docker “host networking” with LMS, so I did some research. Adding network_mode: “host” to the yaml file did the trick! Thanks so much!
The only thing is I get this message when I start it up now:
lms Published ports are discarded when using host network mode
It seems to be working, I guess I can just ignore that?
That message is informational, see: Host network driver | Docker Docs
Gotcha. Thanks again for all the info.