Looking for an old firmware for LSI 9207-8i

I am having issues with an LSI 9207-8i card and the ROM not allowing me to enter the config utility on boot. I am looking for the P20 version of the firmware but can’t find it on the Broadcom website. Hoping someone might still have a copy of the zip lying around!

I need this one at FW Version

and this one at:

Why do you want to downgrade both the firmare and the bios? You also likely mean 9207-8i.

My dyslexia got me - fixed the typo!

I managed to downgrade BIOS from a different LSI HBA package and kept latest firmware.

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If you want, uploading the BIOS file here might help people in the future.

How do people generally attach / share zip files here?

That’s a good question: the old forum allowed the upload of any file types, this one… I don’t thinks so.

It wouldn’t let me upload a zip file :frowning:

I was able to upload to the servethehome forum :smiley: 9207-8i_20.00.07.00_07.39.00.00.zip

It’s nice that’s somewhere, but servethehome requires an account to access the link.