Looking for first build hardware help

Considering building my first NAS and feeling a bit overwhelmed with the hardware choices. My use would be as follows:

  1. Backup of 2 mobile device photos and videos
  2. IP Camera recording for 8 to 10 cameras with something like Frigate/Shinobi/Blue Iris, etc.
  3. A few VM’s (Home Assistant, Plex/Jellyfin, and Frigrate/Shinobi)

I’m lost on CPU/Mobo at this point. Most of what I’m finding is at least a year and a half old for other peoples builds (unless I’m just looking in the wrong places). RAM and storage space I can deal with, but the rest of the hardware has been difficult to nail down.

Appreciate any help in the right direction. I’d like to keep a small form factor if possible.

A NAS does not need the latest and greatest, so it would be absolutely typical to look for hardware that is a few generations beyond current.
How small? How many drives, and of which kind (HDDs + 2x SSD for VMs/apps, maybe)? How much RAM?

What is your budget (excluding storage)?