MakeMKV on Dragonfish-

I am having trouble setting up a custom app on Truenas Scale Dragonfish- Most tutorials I follow to set custom apps are old and I am having difficulty understanding the documentation from the MakeMKV Docker.

Can someone please explain what I’m supposed to do? This is my first custom app

Are you using any docker manager? (like portainer or dockge)

Setting up this docker container requires advanced funcionality and the “Ix-App” default isin’t powerfull enough

Setup dockge (downlodable from the app store) and then use the
Docker run > docker compose

This will convert the provvided docker run command into compose, wich is easyer to understand and modify.

Dockge will also allow you to get logs form the container.

Dockge isn’t in the app store on Dragonfish, and I think won’t work natively on the host either, as the host isn’t running Docker.

If you want to run docker and Dockge in Dragonfish, this is how

Which will stand you in good stead for Electric Eel

Thank you both for the advice. I’ll give that a try