Marvell 88SE9215 with 2TB 2,5" Seagate ST2000LM007 Drive support

Hello, I have an error number 5 (I/O Error) when uses 2TB drive in a little pool for VM uses. If I use a 1TB Disk Drive in the same port, everytinghs work fine. The drive is connected to a SATA Multiplier using JMB575 chip. The system works fine and I don’t have any other problem. Just I/O Error using 2TB Disk Drive. Plese do you know if Marvell board have some hardware limit using 2TB Disk Drive.
Many thanke…

Welcome to TrueNAS forums!

This is the problem with SATA Multipliers, they work until they don’t work. Using SATA Multipliers is both not recommended and not really supported. If it works fine, but some of us here don’t have any experience troubleshooting such issues. Perhaps someone else can assist.

Further, I have a Seagate 2TB 2.5" ST2000LM003 drive, (similar to yours), and it appears to be SMR. I don’t use it with TrueNAS, but do use in in my miniature media server with ZFS. It’s slow but suitable for my needs. SMR drives are not really suitable for use in TrueNAS.

The Disk Drive is New. Just received today from Amazon

Many thanks Arwen! You are right. I use this pool just for virtualization pourposes, one for VM and other for APPs). The data are on two pools using 2 LSI 9212-4i4e PCIe controller and SAS Disk Divers ( 4 + 4 DD). The cache are on 2,5" DD SATA directly connected to LSI Controller. Just Log, Cache and DD of the VMs and APPs Pools goes to a multiliers. In total my system uses 24 DD, 8 SAS and the rest SATA… :slight_smile: