Media files not showing in Plex

If the mods consider this post as another duplicate of an earlier one, my apologies and please remove it, and I’ll try other sources.

TrueNAS Scale :
Plex: 2.0.13
I have a dataset with all my media files in is mounted as /mnt/WinShare/Media/Films etc. In Plex setup I have my Host Path as /mnt/WinShare/Media/Films

When I add a library to the Plex GUI, I add Films and then choose a media folder. here I manually type in the exact same path as is in the Plex setup, but I have also added ‘to /films’ at the end of the line. ie /mnt/WinShare/Media/Films to /films

I have added a plex dataset in or under my /Media dataset. In permissions I have plex as owner and group The UID of user plex is 990

When I have added the Films library, it shows up in the menu listing, but there are no media files.
Is this a permissions problem and if so what should I do next.


Your Hostpath setting looks good.
When you add the library in plex all you should have to do is choose the folder films as path. The buildin apps from trueas use user 568 “apps” for permissions. So try to add that user to your dataset permissions and it should work.

Thanks but still no files in the menu List of Films,
I have set the Apps dataset owner and group to apps
I have et the Plex dataset permissions to apps for owner and group

I even went to the advanced settings in the ACL to give Read, Write and execute permissions

I then tried to add Films to a Plex library and just used /Films , but still no media files under Films in the gui.

I can’t help thinking I have something not right somewhere.

This is YET ANOTHER DUPLICATE POST of What is the correct syntax to add media files to Plex

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Yes - because he asked for help in the duplicate post and I provided him with the answer on setting his host path. He then asked there for help with permissions, but before anyone could answer he decided to post new duplicate request for help, and when that was removed as a duplicate he created another duplicate with this post.

Correct - if you had everything right everywhere it would be working. So by inverse logic it follows that because it is not working, you don’t have everything right everywhere.

Ok, well I think I’ll give up then with Plex. I’ve done what other people have told me, and I’ve watched YT videos about setting permisions.
I know that plex used to work fine in TrueNAS core, but I can’t get it to work in Scale

Oh well.

Plex works fine in TrueNAS Scale - I have had it running from day 2 on my own Scale NAS for well over a year. But I did have to play with the ACL permissions to get visibility.

But I do understand your position - if at first you don’t succeed then … give up.

ok, thanks all for your time.
I’ll get plex working one day, maybe.

It’s permissions. Keep at it. 568 never worked for me, not apps, not admin, not root. But the plex user from when this was Core not scale–I think 1000- worked.

Finally got plex working as it should now.

Unfortunately it generally isn’t that easy.

Typically you will want to point Plex at a dataset that is shared with e.g. SMB, so that you can easily move media files onto the NAS. So the ACL on the dataset needs to allow access both by a Windows (or Mac or Linux) user over a share AND allow Plex to access it.

Glad to hear it.

Just for information, I had Plex installed on my Linux system, and it was that what was loading when I clicked on the webGUI button for Plex on trueNAS. I don’t know how or why that happened but it did. When I removed Plex from my Linux system, and then reinstalled Plex on TrueNAS, it then picked up the media files in the Films heading of the menu.
The strange thing is tho’ there were no media files in either mnt or media in the list of TrueNAS folders, but they were there in the Data folder. Wether that’s how it should be I don’t but I didn’t expect it.

Fair point. When sharing an app dataset with SMB was disfavored/needed a workaround, I set up another dataset shared with SMB, moved new stuff to that dataset, and had a chron that moved files from that dataset to the plex dataset.

Also, the user that eventually worked for me for plex was the user that had SMB access to other datasets, so maybe you are onto something.

In my case, it was a permission issue. After editing the Dataset > Permissions by setting the ACL Editor Owner and Owner Group to “apps”.

I then ticket the box to “Apply permissions recursively” and “Apply permission to child datasets”.