Mellanox ConnectX-3 on HP Microserver Gen7

I purchased a mellanox connect-X 3 card and installed it on my HP microserver gen7. I can’t configure it on the TrueNAS-13.0-U6.1.

My Setup is:
HP Microserver Gen 7
8GB of ECC Ram
HP BMC board
Mellanox ConnectX-3 card.

In the “/boot/loader.conf” file I loaded the following modules as indicated on other forum posts:

If i execute:

lspci |grep Mellanox

02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500 Family [ConnectX-3]

dmesg |grep Mellanox

mlx4_core: Mellanox ConnectX core driver v3.7.1 (November 2021)
mlx4_core: Mellanox ConnectX core driver v3.7.1 (November 2021)

But i cannot find the card in “network”->“interfaces” menu.

Can someone help me, please?
Thanks a lot.

Check out this thread

mlx4ib makes me think it’s in infiniband not Eth mode