MineOS cannot deploy

Hi everyone,

Today I tried to install mineos for the first time on my SCALE system. Unfortunately, I met some unforseen resistance when trying to get it to work.

After having tried a fully custom setup, I tried running the app with just the most basic changes required for the installation:
username + password have been set to “test”
network, storage, resource limits all remained unchanged from the base config.

The app refused the connection every time k3s tried to monitor the status of the deployment and in the logs of the app I found this:

Is there anybody who would have a hint about what could be going wrong here?

I am trying to deploy this app today and am getting the same issue, did you ever figure out how to get MineOS to deploy on TrueNAS Scale?

Unfortunately not… I resorted to running two MC containers and going in via the console that way.

I’ve been fighting this same problem when trying to specify a location instead of letting it run out of the default dataset that is created with the container. Anyone get this working?