Modern Email Authentication

I am new to TrueNas. The server is up and running and now I’m trying to set up email alerts.
I use a microsoft email account which(as most probably know) does not allow Basic Authentication anymore. The email settings in TrueNas (System > email) don’t appear to have options to use modern authentication.
Is modern authentication to (and all Microsoft accounts) available?

not supported right now, but already requested in this feature request Request Support New Authentication Method for mail(outlook)

In that case, you really shouldn’t be using CORE–it’s a dead-end product that won’t receive any more releases, with the possible exception of security fixes. iXSystems have been recommending SCALE for new deployments for at least a year now. That won’t immediately address your problem (which is that Microsoft have decided to once again “embrace and extend” Internet standards), but you should nonetheless make the move to SCALE.