I only started my truenas journey as of 24.04 and am currently running 24.10 as a vm in proxmox with a passed through hba card to give good disk integration for a 5 disk zraid2 setup.
Proxmox is also hosting docker (for jellyfin/servarr/immich/tooling etc) and some other sandbox stuff in LXCs/VMs. I have access to truenas data setup through autofs mounted nfs shares on the host, and use a nvidia gpu through host drivers and container drivers on LXC etc. All is doing a fine job. I have no need for clustering and the only thing I’ve not fully setup yet is reverse proxy related functionality for internet access.
Now TrueNAS has moved from kubernetes to docker with 24.10 it can natively support what I want as far as apps without the use of any jails which is nice, although I think I would just manage all through my own dockge instance and docker-compose stacks and not ix apps. And I am now reading that Incus is coming in 25.04 which will provide more or less LXC containers.
What I want to know is if there are other truenas users that have implemented similar to what I have with truenas as a host for all these things without any issues?
I am confident that docker will be fine, and that jailmaker/incus will likely do most of what I need to replace my existing LXC playground. I am a little concerned maybe nvidia gpu support could be problematic for me though given the issues people have posted? And potentially exposing truenas to the internet for docker/jailmaker/incus reverse proxy layer would not be the best idea?
I really do like the idea of the docker containers having direct access to the zfs datasets though, no more nfs layer, albeit one on the localhost only.
Should I make the move? I can migrate my docker setup fine, with the actual zfs pool where the container data resides carrying over to a new truenas host install and the compose files needing minor tweaks for new mount paths. So do I just do it? Would I have any regrets? Anyone gone the opposite direction because of limitations?
Any thoughts appreciated, thanks all