I would like to run a minecraft server off of truenas. I already have the server up and working as well as the port for the server forwarded on my router. The issue is that after this the server still won’t connect on another pc connected to a different network. Is there a firewall or something on truenas that prevents me from opening that port to WAN?
Going to assume from what you’re typing, the port forwarding isn’t setup correctly if you can access the server okay on a private IP on the port within the same network.
On your external network (assuming you mean a different internet line, and not an internal vlan), you should be putting your Public IP:Port as the address in Minecraft.
You can test if the port is reachable here: Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router
Type your public IP and port you’re using in, and it will test if it can see it; if it says it’s closed, you won’t be able to connect via minecraft.