I would like to use a TrueNas (scale) dataset as storage for one of my VM’s.
I thought that would be easy, but it is not
The problem are access rights within the VM
I defined a dataset to share. That data set is of course NOT public in the scope of TrueNAS. Lets day the dataset is owned by Mr-X and shared with Group-Y. No one else should be allowed to access the data set (from within TrueNas)
I did define a storage bridge where NFS and the VM are members. I defined an NFS4 share only allows access from IP-address “abc” (the VM).
Then I mount NFS inside the VM lets say to path /nfs/mydata
So far so good, however … the VM-users can not access / user the share and that was exactly the reason I did create the share …
So what I hoped for is that I bind the dataset as VM-root and have the allowances in the VM defined by the VM-root (chown & chmod).
But that does not work …
So big question is how to make this work!! (without open the share to every body at the TrueNas side)