Network dropout problem

Hello All,

I recently rebuild my gaming rig and had a gap in my backup so decided to recycle my old hardware as a TrueNas system to backup my Synology NAS.

Initially using on board SATA I experienced LAN dropout and read various posts that mentioned that gaming style MB are not the best and SATA issues can be related to power states, thus the LSI board.

All drives now use the LSI besides one of the boot drives that is NVME on the MB, the mirror of that drive is on the LSI card.

Initially all seemed well until earlier this week when the network dropout reoccurred.

Yesterday I swapped from DHCP to a static IP and that does not appear to have fixed it.

More reading and the TP-LINK card uses a less than ideal chip set so I have ordered a new card based on Intel X540-T2 which has been suggested by various people as being reliable on TrueNas.

I believe I have had two issues as the initial drop out also saw the disks stop accessing (I can hear them when next to the unit) and that was solved with the LSI card.

The second issue of network dropout shows on the console as a network disconnect and reconnect, the IP does not come back up, yet the TP-Link card is showing network activity on the LED.

My personal understanding of Linux comes from many years as a Oracle DBA, so consider me to be jack of all trades in Linux, I know where things generally are but am, by no means expert. Mainly Redhat enterprise 5-7.

I would be happy to follow any advise / troubleshooting ideas.

Changed network from TP-Link pci NIC card to onboard NIC and system dropped out again last night.

I had time to look at it in the down state today, it was hung.

I checked all logs and the last entry was a sar entry at 23:40, nothing in any /var/log after that till I rebooted it this morning.

It so far has never hung under load, but that could well be because the NAS backup I do to this system is quite short.

Ran 4 full runs of memtest86 with no issues.

In this for the long run, so I will see what happens when I install the intel NIC on Monday.

Disabled global c-state control in the bios.

Board based NIC is Intel.

Since the disabled C-State in the BIOS I have not had a lock up.

Looking good.