Network interface wont reset, trying to make LACP bond

Hi guys,

Been using scale since Bluefish and I have kind of always had this issue and I have never been able to get the network stack how I wanted it but I limped on assuming it was a bug and it would get sorted out in a future version. I just upgraded to Angelfish and I am still unable to configure my NICs.

My main issue is I am unable to get 2 of my nics to accept ANY changes. When I hit the reset button on the GUI I get the following error

Is this a bug? it feels like a bug

When I attempt to reset these device via the CLI it makes me enter the “id=” however I am unable to find where to get this value for my interfaces?

What I desire:
I have 4x NICs, 2 are 10 GB and 2 are 1 GB. I would like 2x LACP Bonds, 1 bond from the 10 gb nics for “Prod” traffic and 1 bond from the 1 GB nics for mangement traffic. I would like to make vlan interfaces on top of the prod bond.

Here is my set up currently:

[san01]> network interface choices
|  eno1 | eno1              |
|  eno2 | eno2              |
|  eno3 | eno3              |
|  eno4 | eno4              |
| vlan5 | vlan5: ISCSI VLAN |
[san01]> network interface query
| name  | type     | state.aliases | aliases      | ipv4_dhcp | ipv6_auto | description | mtu    | vlan_parent_interface | vlan_tag    | vlan_pcp    |
| eno1  | PHYSICAL |   |  | false     | false     |             | 9000   | <undefined>           | <undefined> | <undefined> |
| eno2  | PHYSICAL | <empty list>  | <empty list> | false     | false     |             | <null> | <undefined>           | <undefined> | <undefined> |
| eno3  | PHYSICAL | <empty list>  | <empty list> | false     | false     |             | 1500   | <undefined>           | <undefined> | <undefined> |
| eno4  | PHYSICAL | <empty list>  | <empty list> | false     | false     |             | <null> | <undefined>           | <undefined> | <undefined> |
| vlan5 | VLAN     |   |  | false     | false     | ISCSI VLAN  | 9000   | eno1                  | 5           | 0           |

ok I figured out with cli that id=enoX or whatever. I discovered I am still getting the same recursion error even via the cli where I was hoping it was a webgui issue. I am just trying to clear this adapter so I can make a bond between eno3 and 4.

[san01] network interface> delete id=eno3
Error: RecursionError('maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison')

You have pending network interface changes. Please run `network interface commit`
to apply them.

appears this bug is identical Removing an old Network Interface

Are you saying that you downgraded from 22.12 Bluefin to 22.02 Angelfish? The recommended upgrade path would be from (Bluefin) > 23.10.2 (Cobia) > 24.04.0 (Dragonfish).

We do have an open bug ticket for that error that I’d expect to see resolved in a future 24.04.# release. [NAS-128749] - iXsystems TrueNAS Jira

I mistakenly called 24.04 angelfish and I meant dragonfish. I will correct that above for clarity. I followed a normal upgrade pattern from 22.12 (Bluefin) > 23.10 (Cobia) > 24.04 (Dragonfish)

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