New modem/router broke Scale connectivity to outside

My internet provider came and changed the modem/router (got wifi 6 now).
My issue is that now TrueNAS Scale cant connect to the updated server and neither to the app catalogues.
Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 443)]: Automatic update check failed. Please check system network settings.
But the web interface works (the IP did not change and should be dynamic)
I reopened the portforwarding for Plex and it works.

What I tried so far:

  • a restart
  • I did a reset conf in the network tab but did not correct the issue
  • in Outbound Network it is set to allow all
  • check the time settings, both motherboard and TrueNAS are set to UTC

And yet the catalogue error has a different timestamp than another notification that has the correct UTC timestamp …

I am at a loss to what to do.

Version: TrueNAS-SCALE-23.10.2

PS: resetting the pool doesn’t correct the issue of the catalogue not updating

If the new router results in a change to your IP range, check that you’ve correctly set the default gateway in your network settings.

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That work. Thx.

I feel stupid now…

I set the default gateway but doesn’t solve the issue

…which is… ?

Im new to TrueNAS and having a server.

My problem is I can’t have acces to the web. The server has an active connection.

do I have to change the default ipv4 gateway in Global Settings? Or leave it as is.

What does this have to do with TrueNAS?

Please, explain your problem in detail. Use complete sentences and paragraphs, in the same post, to do so.

Sorry Dan, I have a Dell R730 I use for NAS. Everything is functioning properly on the storage side. I have complete access from my Mac. The situation is I want to gain access to the web for the server. It is connected to the router from the NIC port 1. Port config is set to DHCP on the NIC. I also tried a static IP with the same results. Through the router app I can see the Dell server.

What is not working currently? What error message are you getting?

To test the connection I try to update: TrueNAS was unable to reach update servers.

Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Temporary failure in name resolution]: Automatic update check failed. Please check system network settings.

Also the App catalogue is not available.

So this appears to be a DNS-related error. Which version of TrueNAS are you using?


OK, what do thinkgs look like under Network → Global Settings?

I set the DNS Nameservers to and The ipv4 addressed is correct. I can ping the IP dressed but not the name servers.

You can’t ping or That’s definitely a problem. Is your default gateway set correctly?

yes it is. I can ping the default gateway.