New to TrueNAS and Confused about the code names


I’new new to TrueNAS and I am a bit confused with the code names for each releases. I am testing on my computer with Bluefin, but just receive this morning an email saying that Dragonfish is now available, and there is also Cobia available in the upgrade path.

Anyone can point me to the differences between each of them?

I’m going to build my server final version before migrating my data from Synology, so I’d like to start with the correct software.

Thank you

Our codenames for SCALE are alphabetical.

A - Angelfish
B - Bluefin
C - Cobia
D - Dragonfish

For our next release you would expect something with “E”.

They also include a year -month component.

As of today, you should be looking to install SCALE-24.04.0 (Dragonfish) released in 2024 in the month of April (04).

Hope that helps,


Oh great. Thank you for this information. It will become more clear for me from now on. I was also wondering how the version numbers were done, as from a classical way, version 22 to 23 generally is a major upgrade. But I like the way it works for TrueNAS easier to figure out what it means.

Thank you again

Huh… I actually didn’t notice that hah.

So E will be eclair right? Oh oops wait wrong company.

E - Electric Eel
F - Flounder?
G - Goby? Don’t do Goldfish :angry:
H - Halibut?

I and X are gonna be tougher…

Wait I got it. You can transition to things that aren’t fish.

P for Pangolin. I love Pangolins. Do it for me.

Ya’ll can send me the job application now. I got this for you guys.

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