Newbie Problem with 9220-8i

Hi everyone,

I am very new to TrueNas and just setting up my first NAS.

I bought a card with this description:

LSI 9220-8i IT Mode HBA 6Gbps SAS SATA Mini-SAS PCI-e 2.0 x8 TrueNAS unRAID ZFS

The card shows up in Bios but no disks show in TrueNas, when booting the card shows:

5 JBOD(s) found on Host Adapter
5 JBOD(s) handled by BIOS.

Anyone able to point me in the right direction on where to start?

Many Thanks

What’s the output of camcontrol devlist?

Sorry as I said I a new to this do I type that on the TrueNas CLI?

You might use the web shell on CORE (>_), but the best solution is to set up a SSH connection from your desktop. (And this might be the only solution on SCALE.)

“9220” and “JBOD” look like this might be RAID controller and not a proper HBA.


Better in the WebUI Shell then.

I just get this:

Using SCALE, the comparable command would be lsblk.

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Thank you.
this is the output, so its not picking up the HBA card by the looks of it as it is just showing the Boot NVME Drive.

Well, at least not the drives attached to it. What about lspci | grep SAS? If that returns nothing, lspci | grep 9220


That doesn’t look like a good choice of controller. Let’s see if we can get some more information about it: sas2flash -listall

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Admin is not root:
sudo sas2flash -listall
or plainly sudo sas2flash -list

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Says the same thing



That is what the card was advertised as when I bought it, so is it not as described?

I don’t think it is, but I’m a little uncertain. What shows from lspci looks like it should be at least the right hardware, but the fact that sas2flash doesn’t see it has me concerned.

A little bit of googling found this thread from the old forum that may be helpful:

That would in turn suggest that what you have is an IBM card that hasn’t been properly crossflashed. That can be done, but if it’s needed, that would definitely mean the product wasn’t as described by the seller. Further evidence of that is that you’d individually configured the drives in JBOD mode, which you wouldn’t have been able to do if the card were in IT mode.


Thing are not always as they seem. I purchased a card from someone who had been using it with Unraid, and according to them it worked perfectly, and was in IT mode. I’m sure not what was wrong but I ended up having to reflash it as it wasn’t in IT mode.

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Thanks for the replies, I think you are right and its not in IT mode, what also concerns me is that when it boots in Bios I get this massage and even though I press C and then Y the configurator does not come up.;


That screen shot confirms, it definitely is not.

You should be able to cross-flash it to the LSI IT mode firmware (I think you want the latest P20 version). Or, if it’s still within the return window, you could return it as “not as described” and try again.