Newbie question about nextcloud

I’m a truenas scale newbie. I want to migration my nextcloud server to the truenas. I’m running nextcloud server on a linux vm. I’ve several TB data on my existing nextcloud server. I want to transfer the data to the truenas at the OS level using, for ex rsync or smb share. how do I access the data folder on the truenas for my existing nextcloud server?

IMO your best bet would be to run the rsyncd daemon on your existing nextcloud server, and run an rsync pull job on the TrueNAS server to copy the data over.

This would be a direct transfer server to server (and not needing to go via e.g. a windows PC as an intermediate node, it will be restartable if it gets interrupted, and you can continue to run it as updates are made to the existing nextcloud data to keep it in sync until you cut over to TrueNAS.

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Thank you for your reply.
I just tried to create a rsync connection to the truenas from my linux desktop
The connection failed. Looks like the ssh needed to be set up first. I supposed truenas scale functions like most other linux. I need do a keygen for the truenas, right? I’m a newbie on truenas.

Of course that will not work. TrueNAS does not have an rsyncd daemon as standard - you have to install it as an app. This is one reason I suggested doing an rsync pull from TrueNAS to your other server - because TrueNAS does have the rsync client, and your other server should have the rsyncd daemon as standard.