Nextcloud change data folder

Hi all, I have a system basted on truenas scale 24.4.0 I have a ssd for apps and a hdd for file storage.

I have been using nextcloud official version for more than 2 years, when I installed it I messed up with the folder paths, now I have both app and data on my hdd. Now I would like if possible, without messing up the installation, to split the paths

On ssd: I would like to put db postegre and config app
On HDD: the data of the various accounts

In your opinion is this feasible ? but most of all would i gain in speed ?
I believe that it would still speed up nextcloud even for uses like agenda or other apps that use only the db and thus would go to the ssd, but you more experts can give me a confirmation.

I also attach a few screens of my config:

Screenshot 2024-05-03 151713