Nextcloud - Cron Job Not Running?

Hello all.

I notice on my Nextcloud instance under “Background Jobs” that it states an issue with the Cron Job as per the below screenshot.

This is a fresh install of Nextcloud and I have ensured that the www-data user has full permissions over my “html” dataset (host path dataset) where cron.php resides, yet I am still receiving the warning.

Below is a screenshot of the “html” dataset permissions for context.

From the information I have, cron.php has everything it needs to execute.

Any ideas?

Have you activated the cron setting in the app configuration?

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Yes CRON is enabled in the trunas app settings and a schedule set for it. However I realised what the issue was. Not knowing specifically what CRON interval was appropriate for Nextcloud, I had only set it to run once a day. Upon looking into it further, it turns out that Nextcloud recommend that the cron run every 15 mins. I have updated the cron interval and the error has now gone away :slight_smile:

Are you choose true for cron when you install this docker? I didn’t check him when I installed it.
Later, when updating, I checked this again, but in the end, it didn’t run properly, which left me confused.