After many hours of rooting around, re-reading references, YT videos, I could not get the damned thing to mount:
failed: permission denied error.
In the end I found the issue was not my TN settings, although I know a lot more about ACL (grr). The solution was to force the client to use version 4. The client is alpine linux (3.18?).
In simple terms, it appears that the different NFS versions are dealt with differently by TN when it comes to permissions.
mount -t nfs -o vers=4 x.x.x.x:/path/folder /path/folder
The rest of its pretty standard:
setting a non root user and group to own the folder
no, but you can mount folders and it works from other machines.
I’m almost sure it is because the id of the users don’t match on the two systems so id 1000 isn’t allowed to see ~stk due to permissions. but we’ll see. i’m a newbie at NFS.