Ngrok on TrueNAS Scale


I want to host some servers through my TrueNAS. How do i run ngrok on TrueNAS Scale?

(PS: I don’t want to install a VM just a container)

Its not had any attention.

Running ngrok as a docker container is simple, but setting up the networking will require experimentation. Try it out and report back with problems or success.

Given the Ngrok functionality, there may be a case for using a sandbox… lighterweight than a VM but full control of networking.

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should I use portainer or dockge?

I’m sorry I usually don’t mess around much and use the default apps with little experimentation

portainer is more GUI
Dockge is more CLI
Your choice…


So I tried it and this is the docker compose file i made:

version: “3.8”
image: ngrok/ngrok:latest

NGROK_AUTHTOKEN: 2n4t79T8CaZPSXvWcgqM5YJT1Dv_4B6Zj2i3Hy4dEhM111Df7
networks: {}

It launches in dockge but doesnt give me a url or smth so i could connect up to it…

Like its active and up but no output in the terminal

Needs someone familiar with ngrok… what is ngrok supposed to do?

ngrok is supposed to tunnel network

Reverse Proxy

it is a Reverse Proxy

Ngrock doesn’t have a web-UI. You use it all from the CLI. You’d probably run it through the docker command directly. Or alternatively, use something better suited like Tailscale if you need more web-management things.

yes but i can’t just give tailscale to anyone but I can give ngrok URL to anyone…

ngrok CLI when I use normally gives me the URL and all the status. But currently there is no output. the container is active and running.

You may need to update your compose to include the options:

    stdin_open: true # docker run -i
    tty: true        # docker run -t

That way you see the terminal output in the logs and can get the ngrok host information it prints.

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couldn’t make it work. I am jus leaving this