Offtopic: Papier-mâché Halloween madness

Here we are after some more hectic painting and two dear friends and i moved the tunnel into position, then brought the top of the head from the back yard to the front yard, followed by fitting the jaw.

I should have my engineer card pulled over fit and finish but with the help of a angle grinder we were able to get it all together. The nose started to sag a bit making the tunnel entrance a bit narrow so I added some ground anchors to prevent the tunnel from moving and then started jacking the head portion up using two 500 lb tow straps and assorted ratchets.


Plumpy was modified into a white rabbit and final paints were applied to everything.

The final front in detail with the tunnel visible. The kids loved it.

Two Gumbys and cupcakes from the funhouse completed the look. Happiness.

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Lastly, for anyone desiring a look into the guts, I left the back open. That will likely limit the lifespan of this creature but it’s OK, as it already has served its purpose. Note how the UV light is leading to fogging of the image…

Some of these joints have started to open due to unusually warm local conditions making the tape glue go runny.