my mainboard (the hyped Gigabyte MC12-LE0) has two Intel I210 NICs onboard. I’m only using one of the two ports and just for management.
Every other time the two NICs are swapping places. At one boot, enp7s0 is connected (which is configured with the management IP) and next boot enp8s0 is connected, which has no IP config. enp7s0 keeps its config, but is disconnected. If I simply move the cable to the other NIC, I can access the management interface immediately. If I reboot, usually the NICs swap places again.
I think this has started, since I installed a RX 560 with a M.2 to PCIe riser and started playing with GPU passthrough for VMs. For this to work, I had to enable/configure IOMMU, which might be part of the equation. I also had to add some kernel options for IOMMU to work:
sudo midclt call system.advanced.update '{"kernel_extra_options": "quiet pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction"}'
Ideas? I could of course just disable the 2nd NIC in the BIOS, configure a bond, or whatever. But I’d rather try to resolve the underlying issue.