Partial Replication failure - Read-only file system

Replication ERROR:
cannot mount ‘/mnt/MainPool-Even Month/.system’: failed to create mountpoint: Read-only file system
Currently running: Dragonfish- but error started when I upgrader to 24.04.2 from the previous release last Spring.
A zfs query shows the volume ‘/mnt/MainPool-Even Month/.system’ as Read ON but I don’t know why and have not been able to change the Group permission to allow writes.

I certainly hope other people get more help on this forum than I have. This was reposted because there was no help months ago when it started. As you can see it still has not received a singe suggestion on a possible solution. Thanks A Bunch guys. . .

This usually means that you didn’t properly exclude the system dataset from your replication task. You should be doing something like:

  1. create datasets to store stuff
  2. create shares to point to (1)
  3. replicate only (1)

The system dataset contains system state that is specific to this server and shouldn’t be written over by that server.

Thank you for your suggestion. It certainly could be my issue, as the errors have to do with a pool where my server apps are located. Guess I will move the apps to my Proxmox system before upgrade to ElectricEel.