Passbolt HTTPS

Hi! I am very new to this so I’m sorry to say that if you have a solution, you’ll have to explain it step by step.

I’m trying out Passbolt! I spent the whole day trying to get it to work, and succeeded! I knew HTTPS was a good thing to do but I wanted to take a break from all day troubleshooting.

Then I found out that it’s required for mobile setup. I then spent two hours trying to deal with that before I finally had enough.


-problem: need HTTPS on Passbolt app on truenas (hexOS)
-tried: treating it like a Debian install and using passbolt’s documentation for that
-suspicions: it’s possible to create the ssl with truenas itself but I don’t know how to even do that or connect it to the app after it’s created.

-MoreInfo: Truenas has HTTPS enabled for itself, though this was done after the app was installed.
I am using HexOS, which might mean that not all solutions are equal (the command k3s doesn’t even work for me, found that out when trying to setup the app initially.)

Thanks in advance!

for anyone who has setup passbolt and want’s mobile support just like me, this is how you do it!

I did it via creating a new self-signed certificate.

Go to Credentials > Certificates and start by clicking Add by ** Certificate Authorities** the default CA options work just fine.

Next click Add by Certificates and go through the same process there. (it should automatically select the Certificate Authority you just made).

now, go to Apps and click Passbolt then click Edit

You will want to change App URL to include HTTPS:// at the beginning. then scroll down to Network Configuration click Certificate and select the certificate you just created from the drop down menu.

while you are here, it is recommended on Passbolt’s website to go to Additional Environment Variables click Add for Name type “PASSBOLT_SSL_FORCE” and for Value type “true”

now scroll to the bottom and click Update

from there you’ll want to go and verify that your install of Passbolt is still working. and if it is then your almost done!

Go to your mobile device and sign into your Truenas server. go to Credentials > Certificates then click the download button next to your Certificate Authority, again make sure you do it with the authority, not the normal one. you may have to download twice (there’s a chance the first download is the key rather than the CRT file).

from there I ask you to follow this guide from Passbolt themselves: (I cannot post links just yet so go to passbolt’s website, then edit the URL by adding /docs at the end. Once there, use their search and type SSL mobile.)

it will help you from there.