Passthrough optical drive to Dockge

I am attempting to run jlesage/docker-makemkv on my dockge app which I installed through the catalog. Unfortunately, even when assigning the appropriate optical drive (/dev/sr0) in makemkv’s compose file in the dockge interface, it isn’t detected by makemkv.

I believe this is because /dev/sr0 was never avaliable to dockge in the first place. How would I assign the optical drive to dockge? I tried to edit dockge’s compose.yaml file through the dockge app shell so I can just list the device, but truenas scale doesn’t have a text editor in the dockge app shell.

(I’m on SCALE 24.10.1)

Just figured it out. The solution provided by post solved my issue. It turns out /dev/sg3 had to be added in addition to /dev/sr0.