Has anyone figured out the required file system permissions for the storage for Postgres etc with the n8n Chart? No matter what I try, including 999:999 full ownership + rwx, the PG container gets upset about not being able to set the permissions where it expects to put the database:
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
Data page checksums are disabled.
initdb: error: could not change permissions of directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data": Operation not permitted
I have exact same issue with NextCloud. Did you ever figure this out? I followed the instructions on this page, but having trouble with PG still
2024-08-02 20:00:58.051516+03:00 initdb: error: could not change permissions of directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data": Operation not permitted
2024-08-02 20:00:58.052177+03:00 fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ...
And deployment fails with:
Back-off restarting failed container nextcloud in pod nextcloud-postgres-86879bb867-8j25v_ix-nextcloud(63a8e371-6a1e-4c13-b952-a42dcd592ad8)
If someone stumbles upon this, I just deleted all related datasets and recreated fresh. Changed all (including parent) owner user and group to apps. Also added www-data user and group to all these related datasets with full control. Nextcloud deployed on first try