Permissions, TrueNAS—>Q*Nap rsync

I have been working on an rsync situation going from TrueNAS 13.0.U6-1 to QNAP. I have been working off of this guide from a while back.

Everything had been going well once I got past minor hiccups and I finally got past a lot of the initial silly errors. But I’m landing on a permissions error. I’ve tried to address it with some commands.

I have rsyncuser, rsyncgroup, and rsync.pwd.

I did: chown rsync:rsync /mnt/pool/path/rsync.pwd No problem. Then I did: cd /mnt/pool/path-to-file Not a problem. Then I ran this: chmod 600 rsync.pwd and I get the following report:
chmod: rsync.pwd: Operation not permitted

So I tried with sudo, having no idea what I was doing, and it told me that I can’t execute /bin/chmod as root on DEVICE.local.

I’m not sure how to get past this. But I feel like this is the last step!

Thanks in advance for any help or support. Cheers!

chmod on path with ACL present and ZFS aclmode set to RESTRICTED will result in permissions error by design because applying that operation will break potentially break the ACL in subtle ways. The on-disk format of ACLs on FreeBSD generally cannot be rsynced to a non-FreeBSD OS. You will need to omit permissions from the rsync job.