I have been working on an rsync situation going from TrueNAS 13.0.U6-1 to QNAP. I have been working off of this guide from a while back.
Everything had been going well once I got past minor hiccups and I finally got past a lot of the initial silly errors. But I’m landing on a permissions error. I’ve tried to address it with some commands.
I have rsyncuser, rsyncgroup, and rsync.pwd.
I did: chown rsync:rsync /mnt/pool/path/rsync.pwd No problem. Then I did: cd /mnt/pool/path-to-file Not a problem. Then I ran this: chmod 600 rsync.pwd and I get the following report:
chmod: rsync.pwd: Operation not permitted
So I tried with sudo, having no idea what I was doing, and it told me that I can’t execute /bin/chmod as root on DEVICE.local.
I’m not sure how to get past this. But I feel like this is the last step!
Thanks in advance for any help or support. Cheers!